Custom Captions Plugin

  • hey, that's a sunrise
  • panther 3.png
  • the ocean [no description on this one]
  • Heading west
  • Jellyfish
  • Chrysanthemum
  • The Desert

The useBlockText Option, aka Storytelling Mode, aka Step-by-step Instructions Mode

  • on this gallery...
  • this one has kittens
  • meow
The Beach
Cherry Blossoms
One More Example

Here It Is On a Plain Old Image Block, Plus Full Review of Plugin Options

Yep, you can initialize this on a vanilla image block as well, if you need to.

Here are all the options available with the scCaptions plugin:

  • captionOnSlide (true): Only a valid option with Flexslider or single image. By default the plugin tries to create a caption for each individual image wrapper; if this is set to false, it uses .blockImg instead, creating a single caption div that can be updated when the slide changes.
  • clickableCaptions (true): If the image is linked, append the caption to the link, but if false, use the next container up. This doesn't apply to the thumbs in a one-up or modal gallery, they should always be clickable to render the selected image in the large view.
  • captionLargeView (true): Only valid with grid or row gallery; add captions to the large view.
  • captionLargeViewOnly (false): Only valid with grid or row gallery; add captions to the large view but not the thumbnails.
  • useBlockText (false): Only valid with Flexslider; if true, puts the image metadata in standard a blockText container instead of a custom container.
  • changeEvent (before): Only valid with Flexslider and when captionOnSlide is set to false; 'after' is the other valid event.